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About: Have you ever voted before? Well, if you have how would you feel if you took time out of your day only to know that there is a system in place that could make your vote null. In the video below I interviewed a professor of history, an everyday student, and a success coach to get their thoughts on this system called: The Electoral College. Video:
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Eric Kender Forum Assignment #5

Forum Assignment #5 For the animation for the Form 5 assignment I found it to be difficult.  So what I did I effected the opacity of the people speaking in the video and I added a title that flies in from the left to the center of the screen to give the video more emphasis on what its about before it starts. I know that I'm not finished but by the time the final assignment is due, I will the visual flow better than what it is now.

Eric Kender Forum Assignment #4

Eric Kender Forum Assignment #4 When working in Adobe Premiere I learned how to effect pictures, how to add titles, how to animate, and how to add sounds through the program itself. Although I did not demonstrate all of these in my still image video this time, I plan on doing so for my final version. Working in Premiere I found to be enjoying, even-though we are only doing a still image video, I think its fun adding images to our audio stories. Even though I'm enjoying working with Premiere, I couldn't figure out how to make animations look smooth. Whenever I tried it appeared patchy so I decided to remove it for this part of the project. Video:

Audio Story

Eric Kender Audio Story For my audio story I got three interviews, one was from Matt Killian, a success coach here at High Point University, the second interview was from a student here named Dillan Linn, and the last interview was from Dr. Paul Ringel, a professor in US history at High Point. What I did was I asked them the same questions about the Electoral College and the purpose for me was to see what an adult, student, and professor knew and what their thoughts were about the Electoral College. I intended to prove that students didn't know as much as an adult or that an adult didn't know as much as an expert but, I was surprised to see how aware they were and their input on the subject. Link:

Eric Kender Forum Assignment #3: Audio Story Components

Eric Kender Forum Assignment #3: Audio Story Components Topic:  For my audio story I decided to do a topic that I thought would be interesting for students and staff which is about the electoral college. The electoral college is a body that represents states that votes to see who will become the next president of the United States. I chose this topic because I wanted to see what students and staff knew about the electoral college and if they feel that it is still relevant. Introduction: In my one minute audio story I talked to Matthew Killian a success coach here at High Point University to get his thoughts on the subject. I talked with other success coaches, professors, and students but, for the one minute story, I only have Matthew Killian's response on what he believes about the electoral college. Music Links: The one used in the video already: My second option would be:  My third option is: Foley Sound Effects: Since my sound effect had to be related to

Eric Kender Forum Assignment #2: Short Ended Stories

Eric Kender Forum Assignment #2: Short Ended Stories About my audio story  In my story I talked to  a few of the success coaches at HPU and got their opinion on the electoral college. Why I chose this topic is because we the students and staff here at HPU share the fact that we can vote however, some of us don't know or understand how the voting system works or why it is in place in today's society.  What I learned  I learned a lot when doing this assignment on how to fade-in and out audio, how to really use muti-tracks, and how to adjust audio sound to make it some sound clips softer or louder than others to make sound smooth. I also learned from the recordings themselves that people have mixed feelings when talking about politics and how they would handle the situation. About audition This is not my first time using an adobe product, it is my first-time using audition. I didn’t think it was that difficult only because it’s kind of similar to Prem

Eric Kender Forum Assignment #1: Audio Stories

Eric Kender Forum Assignment #1: Audio Stories Listen: The podcast I chose was Radiolab’s “The Punchline” from January 18th, 2019. This is the story of how John Scott, an undeserving goon and low-skilled player, got voted into the NHL All Star game by fan voting (as a joke). Post:Sound Identification Examples (4 Kinds of Audio) Interview Clips : These are clips added by the storyteller 7:20 - Greg  & Jeff interview clip discussing how the 3-on-3 format is a mockery of the game 7:40 - Clip discussing fan voting 8:20 - Clip discussing voting limitation 11:01 - Phone call with John Scott Voice-overs: 6:31 - Recording of NHL All Star Game announcer 6:51 - Recording of the All Star game format Natural Sounds : On location in a hockey arena during a game. 9:32 - Arena sounds of fans/etc behind play-by play announcers talking about John Scott 9:47 - It’s faint, but sounds of skates and sticks on ice. Crowd reactions. Ambient Soun